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How to Avoid Teeth Grinding at Night

If you think that you are the only person who grinds their teeth at night, you are mistaken. This problem is prominent in thousands of individuals, so you are not alone. Teeth grinding, also known as bruxism and is an easily treatable condition. How to Avoid Teeth Grinding at Night If you have problems with teeth grinding and clenching during your ...
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  1024 Hits

How Do You Get an Abscessed Tooth?

How do you get an abscessed tooth? Everyone knows that having an abscessed tooth really hurts. Some of the main questions that patients ask us are how do you get an abscessed tooth, and how is it treated? They also want to know if their dental abscess is something that will eventually go away on its own. What Is a Dental Abscess? An abscessed tooth...
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  1175 Hits

How Do I Eat With Dentures?

Eating with dentures can be a difficult task, especially if you are just starting out. However, you can overcome this by taking things slowly and giving yourself time to learn how to adapt to them. Like with everything in life, wearing dentures takes practice. They are different from natural teeth, but with time and patience, wearing dentures will ...
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  1010 Hits

Can Silver Fillings be Replaced with White Fillings?

If you've just discovered that you need a filling or that one of your old fillings needs to be replaced, you may want to consider the use of white fillings. Many patients often wonder, can silver fillings be replaced with white fillings? The answer is yes. Dental amalgam, or "silver filling material" has been used for over one hundred and fifty yea...
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  1163 Hits

What are the Little White Spots on My Teeth?

Everyone wants that perfect smile, which means having perfectly straight teeth that are pearly white. Wait a second. You look in your mouth and realize that although your teeth are fairly white and are well taken care of, there are some lighter white spots that cover the surface. This doesn't make sense. You brush your teeth after each meal and hav...
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  1061 Hits

Do Energy Drinks Rot Your Teeth?

Drinking an energy drink is intended to improve overall performance in everyday activities. However, are these drinks negatively affecting your teeth? Many patients have come to us with this question. The answer is yes, as we explain below. Maintaining healthy teeth can add up to an extra five years to your life span. In contrast, energy drinks are...
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  1211 Hits

Why Do I Hear Clicking in My Jaw?

Causes and Treatments TMJ Disorder, or Temporomandibular Joint disorder, often causes discomfort and is accompanied by a clicking noise. The cause of this clicking is from within the temporomandibular joint that connects the lower jaw and the temporal bone. As you move your lower jaw whenever you eat or talk, this can be extremely uncomfortable and...
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  1053 Hits

What is a Porcelain Dental Crown?

What is a porcelain crown? The most common form of crowns are porcelain crowns. Porcelain crowns are cosmetically more desirable since they can be made to match your other teeth, unlike gold/metal crowns. Metal Crowns Metal crowns are considered tough, and longer lasting. It is best to get a metal crown only if it is going to be placed in the back ...
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  973 Hits

What is a Fixed Bridge for Teeth?

What is a fixed bridge for teeth? A "fixed bridge" is a term used when referring to one or more porcelain teeth cemented into place using real teeth on either side for support. There are many advantages to getting a fixed bridge placed in your mouth. Food will no longer be stuck in this gap. Sharp foods will no longer cut into your gums while eatin...
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  1047 Hits

How Do You Stop Receding Gums?

Gum recession is a common dental problem many people develop, and if caught early, your dentist can help you prevent further problems. Legacy Family Dental offers periodontal treatments that can repair these problems. Why is it Important to Treat Receding Gums One problem that develops from receding gums is the small gaps that form underneath your ...
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  1111 Hits

Denture Care

Did you know that you can prolong the usefulness of your dentures by following easy steps to keep them in good condition and allowing you to use them for years before replacing them? Dentures are designed for years of chewing, but require daily maintenance. It is important to regularly clean your dentures and handle them with care. With proper main...
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  1029 Hits

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